Subscription Details
This is the FAQ/How to Page for Subscriptions! To sign up, scroll all the way down to “Subscription Options”
“How does this work?”
Like any other subscription you’ve had, but you decide the length of session & how frequently you’d like to see me. $166/hr means $249 for 1.5 hours & $332 for 2 hours
Scroll to the bottom for all the options!
Sign up for acuity Login
Please be advised that if you don’t have an Acuity Login yet, this is going to be MUCH easier to track & maintain your subscription.
You won’t need to log in to Acuity to book massage but you’ll need it to change payment info, check balance, cancel &/or reactivate your subscription
(Aka please sign up for an account, for the sake of both of our sanity)
Keep your code handy
You will have a unique code to use when booking that applies to your specific subscription- please keep this code handy, like in a note, or star the email, etc. I will have access to it, but you’ll need it to book online. Just check out as usual but use the code on the payment page under “Package, gift or coupon code”
In a Nutshell
Your code is basically like a prepaid debit card- the amount of money you pay for subscription is tracked with the code, and it’s up to you how to use it: You can book a longer session than your subscription amount & pay the difference, or if you have a 1.5 hr or longer subscription, scheduling a shorter session is absolutely possible- the leftover “minutes”/ money will roll over to the next subscription period.
CheckIng your balance
To Check the balance of your code, log in to your account & go to the top right corner of the Subscription page; click the arrow by your email address and select “Manage codes ” from the dropdown menu. You can check by code or use your email to check your code balance
Managing Subscription: Payment, Pausing, Cancelling
In “Manage Subscription,” you can also schedule an appointment, change your payment information or cancel your subscription.
Right now there is no “pause” for subscription option- you can cancel and if you have an account, it will save your information and you can easily just press “Reactivate” when you’re ready to resume subscription.
Because there is not yet a “Pause” feature for this, I am happy to allow 4 cancellations & reactivations a year: I don’t want you to feel beholden to this & I know plenty of y’all go on vacation or might need a financial break.
But my intention for subscription is that it’s for folks who are committed to maintaining some frequency of massage, so if we’re looking at a 5th cancellation / re-subscription, we’ll just need to have a conversation about if subscription is actually right for you (and it’s totally okay if it’s not!)
Changing Session length/ session frequency
As the software stands, in order to change session length or frequency of sessions, you would need to cancel your current subscription and sign up for a different subscription. Not ideal, but fairly simply done- just see Manage Subscription above, cancel your subscription, and sign up for the new subscription you’d like.
Subscription Options
Each option is a direct link to the subscription described. If you don’t see the frequency of session length you’d like, please email me & I will set it up for you!