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Hey! I’m Daisy Steinfort, LMT (MA 60998980)

I’m here to help you experience more wonder and appreciation through & for your body. There are multiple paths to this. Explore the ones I offer here

Want to know more about me? Click here.

If you’re looking for a massage therapist to help “fix” or heal your body, I’m not your gal.

I don’t think there’s actually anything wrong with you, your body is simply voicing its needs in a way you don’t quite understand- yet. And your body heals itself, always.
It’s designed to.

So rather than a fixer or even a healer, I see myself mostly as a translator & a teacher. What do translators do really well? LISTEN. And relay their best interpretation of what’s being said. Listening in the sense of the body is simply paying attention to how it feels.

Working with me means I’m going to ask you to pay a lot more attention to your body regularly so that we can work together to figure out what it’s saying.

It also means you’re gonna get a lot of compassion & invitation to more self-compassion because your body is probably not actually broken- it’s just asking to get its needs met.

Working with me also means listening to your needs more deeply and doing your best to meet those needs without adding on shame or self-judgment.

Massage with me is not a service like waxing where you show up once a month, I do all the work & then you cruise along until the next time I see you.

I can almost guarantee that I’ll give you homework to help you listen & attend to your needs and your body.

Because like I said- I’m also a teacher- I’m gonna teach you how to recognize what your body is asking for & how to answer it so you don’t need to rely on me to feel good.

This is YOUR body we’re working with after all —and you’re only seeing me ~1% of the time— it would be a ridiculous disservice to you if I didn’t show you how to take care of yourself! This means you gotta put in work in the interim.

If you’re ready to tune into — and invest in — yourself, we could be a great fit.